Version 2.9R1 Now Available

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Version 2.9R1 Now Available

Post by qtao »

We are pleased to announce the release of Version 2.9 Release 1 (v2.9r1) for GC Image and LC Image. This latest version includes new features, improvements, and critical bug fixes over 2.8 releases.

What's New: (for GCxGC, for LCxLC)
  • Improved Smoothing for Baseline Correction
  • New and Improved Support for Manual Noise Estimation
  • New and Improved Features for Peak Detection
  • New Improvements for Importing Compound List
  • New Improvements for Investigator
Bug Fixes:
  • Processing - Baseline correction failed on images with 4 or fewer columns
  • Processing - Skip Baseline Correction returned invalid noise estimation with 0 Filter Window Size
  • Processing - Run Script with baseline correction recorded current configuration settings in Journal instead of parameters used
  • Processing - Cancel button was enabled although MS Baseline Correction operation cannot be canceled
  • Processing - Stride setting was not visible in Rolling Ball configuration
  • Processing - Local Blob Detection failed if the smoothing factors are too big
  • Processing - Detected blobs were not shown during Interactive Blob Detection for some Blob Display configurations
  • Processing - Register Image's "Have detection match pre-registration blobs" option was not remembered
  • Report - Blob Table and Blob Set Table might report incorrect Size I values with variable modulation
  • Method - New Method from Current Image incorrectly added Correct Baseline step when baseline correction was skipped
  • Script - Run a script with Local Blob Detection command might not detect blobs at the expected location
  • Template - Import Compound List's Default Encoding was not remembered across sessions
  • Project - A corrupted project was saved if "&" appears in a run file name
  • Project - Process Runs failed to process a run associated with a vial that has ".csv" or ".xml" at the end of its name
  • Investigator - Recently used template was applied to another analysis by mistake
  • Investigator - Switching between views in Summary perspective might cause random exceptions