Version 2.9R2 Now Available

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Version 2.9R2 Now Available

Post by cheble »

We are pleased to announce the release of Version 2.9 Release 2 (v2.9r2) for GC Image and LC Image. This latest version includes new features, improvements, and critical bug fixes over previous 2.9 releases.

What's New: (for GCxGC, for LCxLC)
  • New and Improved I/O Support for Agilent MassHunter Targeted MS/MS and IMS Data
  • New Improvements for Spectral Views with Base Peak Chromatogram (BPC), Adducts, and MS Cube
  • New and Improved Tools for Interactive Peak Editing with Detect/Edit Blob Mode
  • New Search Library Method Commands
  • Improved Performance of Investigator for Large Analysis Files
Bug Fixes:
  • I/O - Failed to import the MS1 part for a MS1/MS2 mixed data file
  • I/O - Failed to save after importing a MS1/MS2 mixed data file with some shorter run time
  • View - MS Cube failed with exception on 1D chromatogram
  • View - MS Cube failed with exception if MS Data Binning settings are specified only with PPM
  • Edit - Merge Blobs did not update blob groups and constellations
  • Edit - Run script with Blob Mask Edit command pushed redundant undo entries
  • Method - Detect Blobs step did not honor Library Search settings when Run Method from Image program
  • Investigator - Different attribute values were reported after saving and reopening an analysis that contains duplicate compounds
  • Investigator - Cancel button was non-responsive during Open Analysis
Previous Releases: Downloads: