Maintenance Package R2.3 Update b3 Now Available

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Maintenance Package R2.3 Update b3 Now Available

Post by qtao »

GC Image Release 2.3b3 includes improvements and bug fixes accumulated over previous R2.3 releases.

  • Report amount percents in Blob Table and Blob Set Table
  • Support single-level multi-run amount calibration
Bug Fixes:
  • Long vial names caused Slice Report to fail with "The workbook already contains a sheet of this name" error when saving a XLS report
  • Wrong volume was calculated for new Area Objects when Apply Template on SIC
  • Editing graphics did not always refresh Blob Set Table correctly
  • Global CLICs in a configuration file was not applied when importing non-MS data files
  • Custom extreme colors in Color Map changed after saving and reopenning the same image
  • Axes were drawn incorrectly in Image Viewer sub-report when set to display axis labels
  • Saving Template to another location caused Load Template dialog not working
  • Exception when switching from Mono color to Spectral color in 3D View with Max resolution
  • Residual Area ID reported by Area Table and CLIC was not consistent
  • CDF files written by GC Image could not be imported into ChemStation
  • Less data was imported than what stored in CDF files exported by Waters software
  • Cropping COL II's From did not work in Pixel Parameters when Import Image
  • mzXML file filter did not show all mzXML files
  • LSC Reader returned a null spectra at end of a data file
  • Import with extract MS/MS option did not save scan acquisition times
  • Import MassHunter MS/MS data did not save scan acquisition time
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