Maintenance Package R2.5 Update b2 Now Available

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Maintenance Package R2.5 Update b2 Now Available

Post by qtao »

GC Image Release 2.5b2 includes important improvements and critical bug fixes over previous R2.5 releases.

  • Import Image now remembers recently used variable modulation parameters
  • Adding a spectrum to an open MS Viewer will bring the viewer to the front
  • Better forward compatibility for Configuration Settings > Baseline Correction
Bug Fixes:
  • Failed to import negative values from certain Agilent CH files
  • Gradient baseline correction failed on MS data with non-integer masses
  • Library search failed for HRMS blob spectra with error code: -1073741819
  • Blob spectra calculated from deconvolved blobs with Dynamic Bin had wrong intensity values
  • Image Investigator: Auto feature with normalization might produce wrong results for MS data sometimes
  • Save as a SIC did not use .GCI as the default file type
  • Invalid warning for cropping Column II when Import Image
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