Opening PEG files for MS or FID from dual mode detection

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Joined: March 1st, 2019, 3:08 pm

Opening PEG files for MS or FID from dual mode detection

Post by jeff_c »

i have some PEG files from a Leco GCxGC-TOFMS form runs in dual mode with MS and FID. I would like to view both traces in GCImage, but these files only open with the MS trace in GCImage. It possible to see both traces from these merged Leco Pegasus files?
Posts: 225
Joined: October 7th, 2011, 10:16 am

Re: Opening PEG files for MS or FID from dual mode detection

Post by qtao »

At this moment, the software can only detect one type of data, either MS or FID. You can export FID data from ChromaToF to a csv file, and then import the csv file.

Also, you may contact us directly with some example PEG file to help us to implement the support for this type of PEG files in the future.
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Joined: June 16th, 2017, 10:20 am

Re: Opening PEG files for MS or FID from dual mode detection

Post by Striebich »

I also have this problem with opening PEG file with dual MS and FID. The solution of saving fid data as a CSV file works, but the workstation I have requires 4-6 minutes per file to save onto a flexible hard drive. I am told this solution cannot be automated for many files; each FID file must be loaded and then saved individually.
Posts: 225
Joined: October 7th, 2011, 10:16 am

Re: Opening PEG files for MS or FID from dual mode detection

Post by qtao »

Can you share some example PEG file? We can check if there is a quick solution that we could implement from our side.