Binning of low-res Agilent MSD-data?

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Posts: 8
Joined: February 27th, 2017, 5:03 am

Binning of low-res Agilent MSD-data?

Post by sundberg »

We are collecting GCxGC data using our Agilent MSD, but are having issues with importing the data and library searches.
For example, 1-methylnaphthalene has a base peak which is reported as 141.25 in Masshunter. When imported to GC Image, this is rounded to 141.5 which is further rounded to 142 when doing a library search. This results in false hits. In the settings, we're using data binning by integer values (but have tried all other settings)....Library searches from MH Qual. works fine. :|
Posts: 225
Joined: October 7th, 2011, 10:16 am

Re: Binning of low-res Agilent MSD-data?

Post by qtao »

MS data binning settings do not affect importing raw data. Raw spectra should be imported from MassHunter as-is. You may want to check if Peak MS matches what you expected. Also, you may try to set to use Peak MS in Library Search settings.

If none of the above works for you, please contact the support.